Monday, February 13, 2012

Chronicling - or how this blog is getting a name

Amazing how a phone call can completely change your life. Trust me, I would know.

Valentine's Day, 2011. My co-worker and I (both single) made a few typical valentine's jokes while we drove the hour commute to and from location. Our students gave us chocolate, candy, etc. It had been a fun day for this extremely single girl. Not. Thinking. About. It. 

As we reach my drop-off location, I realize there is a voicemail on my phone. Almost not stopping to listen - after all, I have to fly to the next rehearsal on schedule and would like a few moments' peace for some tea or some other refreshing beverage. Almost not stopping, until I realize it's from an aunt whom I've not heard from in a long time. 

The voicemail sounds strange - aunt claiming she wants to "just chat for a few minutes" and could I come over - because she has eggs for us. 

Eggs? Really?

This lovely, wonderful, dear aunt of mine lives a good 45 minutes away from my drop-off location. Another good 45 minutes away from my next rehearsal's location. I can almost see the tea draining down the sink of lost treasures. At the same time, something in her voice concerns me. She had just seen my mother 3 days ago. I couldn't lay one finger on why she would want me to come all that way - for eggs. Thoughts of illness or family concerns harbored in the back of my mind. This would not do to wait - I must see her today.

45 minutes later I'm pulling in her driveway. She sets me down in front of a frozen, baked pizza and pronounces "I have a story to share with you". 

This story (which I  will reveal on the morrow) has changed the course of my life - forever.

I have been pondering how to "focus" this blog. At the same time, Tom and I have begun praying about how to move forward as a couple. Yes, we got married - and it's awesome. However, as we're settling into life together, we have a desire to remain intentional about why God has brought us to this place. Intentional about sharing our story. Intentional about sharing HIS story through our lives. 

Last night, before bed, the words "chronicle" and chronicling" kept floating through my mind. By morning, I realized this blog's focus. I'm still working on a name, but it will most likely include the word "chronicle" or "chronicling" (in fact, I'd love your opinion in this matter!). Some posts may be romantic (especially as I chronicle our pre-marital season), some may be sad, and hopefully some are just downright funny. My ultimate hope, however, is that you, dear reader, may be encouraged and enjoy walking alongside this chronicling of God's work through, in and around our lives. 

Further up, further in!

1 comment:

  1. Good Afternoon Elizabeth,
    I loved reading some of your story and look forward to reading the rest!
    I'm Glad to see you and Tom have a new blog! I'll put this in my favorites=) By the way, your profile picture looks Adorable!! See you tomorrow!:)

    I love you!

