Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who I am

You know, there are days when you have the highest aspirations. To accomplish something magnificent (like thank-you notes. or bread baking. or house hunting.). 

Then there are the days when all you want to do is put your throat on ice and receive a new set of sinuses.

Today was rather like the latter option. 

Today, I am trying choosing to focus on my worth simply as a child of God - not in the ability to run 10 miles backwards, make everyone in my life happy (or even walk across a sparkly clean kitchen floor). 

It is difficult sometimes - to not be caught up in our worth based on our ability to DO things. 

Today, however, I bring everything to the feet of the Master - poor as it seems - and listen to His voice. 

He reminds me of my inherent worth as His child. 

His beloved daughter. 

The apple of His eye. 

Just me, Elizabeth.

It is not always easy to hear His voice - even though I want it to be. However, I get caught up in my own desires. I like to be capable and in control, ready at 100% all the time (hack, cough, sniffle, repeat). However, it seems that ESPECIALLY when I am feeling less than _______, there is a deep-seated relief of being reminded I am not capable, in control and in charge. HE is - and He loves me so very deeply. 

Floors must be cleaned, bread must be consumed, and not everyone's always going to be pleased with me - life goes on. I hope, as MY life goes on, that I can keep learning to hear His wondrous voice above all others, for He is my Lord God and beloved Savior. 

When Satan tempts me to despair and tells me of the guilt within, 
Upward I look, and see him there Who made an end of all my sin.